Eating Healthy Foods to Stay Well

I’m sitting here, kinda sick again with a cough, and thinking of the changes I need to make to boost my immune system. There’s a lot of illnesses going around right now from pneumonia to bronchitis, and we’ve got to do as much as we can to avoid catching something. My main go to to accomplish this is food! Eating healthy food!
And my biggest weakness is sugar! So I’m taking measurements to #1 – ditch the sugar, and #2 – make sure I’ve got healthy food in the house at all times! Otherwise, I may just grab something fast or unhealthy because it’s available or easy.
When you’re busy, with all the things in life, sometimes menu planning, and grocery shopping seem to fall by the wayside, doesn’t it?
How to make it easier to eat healthy foods
One way I LOVE to fix this is to order my meals from They have different menus you can choose from to fit your lifestyle, like Keto, Paleo, Plant Powered, and Balanced Living. I usually do the Keto or Paleo menus.
I really like Hello Fresh too, but their meals are too carb heavy for me, even though they’re delicious!
So, if you have goals to eating healthy, like me, I thought I’d share with you my Green Chef code so you can save some money off your first couple or orders! And here’s a Hello Fresh code too! Don’t you love saving money? I do!
And please share with me any tips you have for quitting sugar, or willpower….getting past the “negotiation” my head likes to do about why it’s ok to eat sugar.
I’m reading a book by Gary Taubes called The Case Against Sugar. Have you read it? I’m hoping it will help. I bought it on Ebook, and audible, so my goal is to read or listen to it while I’m craving sugar.
I hope you are having a great start to your 2020! Come get your next massage and share what’s going on this year!