Want to be happier? Plant a garden.

Summer is upon us. Yay! I love the sun, the heat, riding around Denver with the air conditioning on and the windows open in the car. Summer really is my favorite time of the year. I know not everyone feels that way though. I can think of some of you who are thinking I’m being blasphemous talking about loving the heat, but it’s my happy time.

Some people struggle, though, with being happy on a daily basis. But there’s a cool thing about the summer that can make you happier naturally–and, as you may know, I’m all about doing things naturally. How do you get happier naturally? You plant a garden. Get down and dirty! Dig those hands and toes into the soil and breathe in the bacteria.
Studies have found that Mycobacterium vaccae found in the soil have the same effects of raising cytokine levels, which results in the production of higher serotonin levels, which will make you happier and more relaxed! Doesn’t it make sense since to so many people, the garden is their happy place?

As the lack of serotonin is responsible for bi polar disorder, OCD, depression, and anxiety, raising these levels makes a big difference in how you feel on a daily basis.

Get your family members helping out around the garden! My niece and nephews helped me earlier this month with my first garden.

Get your family members helping out around the garden! My niece and nephews helped me earlier this month with my first garden.

When my nephews and niece were in town this month, we built a garden box and planted veggies. We took off our shoes and socks and walked around in the dirt and had fun. It was awesome to feel the cool, moist dirt between our toes. I felt like Lucy and Ethel smashing the grapes! It was awesome.


Another thing that’s great about walking around in the dirt is that it helps you get grounded. It connects you to the earth, nature, and the Creator and gets you off of the concrete jungle we are constantly walking around on. You can feel the aliveness of the ground. I love it!
So plant a garden, play in the dirt, watch the efforts of you work take fruit, and eat healthy, home grown food this summer. See if it doesn’t make life a little bit brighter. And when your back gets a little sore from your gardening and weeding efforts, come see me to work out the kinks.