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Massage as preventative healthcare!
II have such a gratifying job! When people walk out of my office, telling me they feel so much better than when they came in, or they can move their neck, or their stress level has decreased significantly, I feel...

Monthly Massages! Get on a schedule
Monthly massages are good for both of us! Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly massages times booked out regularly, in advance are more important now than ever! I have a lot of new clients lately, which I am so grateful for, and...

Mind-Body-Emotional Connection
I feel like if I could explain the importance of the Mind-Body-Emotional Connection, in words, as deeply as I feel it, know it and have experienced it, I'd be wealthy beyond imagining. Everyone would want to rub my head to...

Word of the Year
Have you heard about the new fad going around about the Word of the Year? Choosing a word to represent you or your goals for the new year has become very popular lately. Did you choose one? If so, what did...

Abdominal Detox Massage can help your resolutions
I hope your new year is off to an amazing start! Did you make New Years resolutions? How are they coming along? What are they? I'd love to hear them. I want to tell you here, how Abdominal Detox Massage...

Hot Stone Massage
In January 2017, Body Heal Thyself Massage Therapy is introducing a few new, fun, HEAT offerings, including Hot Stone Massage, just in time for the cold weather! At the LoHi location - - 90 or 120 minute Hot Stone Massages...

Online Massage Gift Certificates are here
You can get your online massage gift certificates now! There are exciting new things coming to Body Heal Thyself Massage Therapy, which I'll be talking about soon. But first! For the holidays... You can now buy Body Heal Thyself online...